I’m a Professor at the University of Kassel where I head the Distributed Systems group. Before, I was professor at Brandenburg University of Technoligy and headded the Computer Networks group. Prior to that, I was at RWTH Aachen University, and before I was with Anja Feldmann at TU Berlin / Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories. I was a visiting scholar at the group of Paul Barford at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA.

I studied computer science at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Institute Eurecom (Sophia Antipolis, France) and Darmstadt University of Technology and hold a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree. From 2004 to 2006 I was with the Fraunhofer IGD where I worked on network architectures for telemedical applications. I obtained a Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) from TU Berlin in 2013 (Advisor: Anja Feldmann).

I am a Senior Member of the ACM.


  • Network Security
  • Network Measurements
  • Internet architecture / protocols
  • Quality of Experience / Psychological Studies


  • Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in Computer Science, 2013

    TU Berlin (Advisor: Anja Feldmann)

  • M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2008

    TU Darmstadt

I use a data-driven approach including user studies, empirical network measurement, and machine learning
to understand and improve Internet performance and security.

Current Service


Open Positions

Do you speak BGP, know Internet Measurements, and are on the lookout for an exciting PhD position? If so, please get in touch with me. I am looking for someone with a passion for network engineering to join my team at University of Kassel. You must have a master's degree or be close to graduation, and possess a strong understanding of BGP and Internet measurements.


2024-05paperPaper at SIGCOMM'24: Ingres Point Detection
2024-02paperPaper at ICWSM'24: Reviewing War: Unconventional User Reviews as a Side Channel to Circumvent Information Controls
2024-01paperTPC of SIGCOMM'24, IMC'24, CoNEXT'24, NSDI'25
2023-03serviceTPC of NSDI 2024 and IMC 2023
2022-10miscI started a new position at the University of Kassel.
2022-05paperPaper accepted to appear at ACM SIGCOMM'22: IXP Scrubber: Learning from Blackholing Traffic for ML-Driven DDoS Detection at Scale
2022-04paperNew CCR paper: Recommendations for Designing Hybrid Conferences
2022-03paperViet presented our TOIT Web Consolidation paper at the IETF 113 Internet Architecture Board (IAB) Open Meeting (video)
2022-01serviceTPC of ACM IMC and TMA 2022
2022-01paperOur work on collaborative detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks is awarded the 2022 IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize!!
2021-12paperTwo paper acceted at PAM 2022: 1) Lights on Power Plant Control Networks 2) Geographic Differences in Social Media Interactions Exist Between Western and Middle-East Countries
2021-11serviceTPC of ACM SIGCOMM 2022
2021-10paperPart of Leo’s bachelor thesis will appear at the CoNEXT'21 Student Workshop
2021-09serviceCristel and me will be TPC Chair of PAM'22. I am also joining the Steering Committee of TMA.
2021-09paperOur paper on DDoS detection at scale will appear at CCS'21. Our work on analyzing the Cyberbunker bulletproof hoster will appear as CCS'21 poster.



Principal Investigator:AIDOS: Artifical Intelligence-based DDoS Mitigation at Internet Exchange Points
2019 - 2022
Joint project with the DE-CIX Internet Exchange Point
Funded by the BMBF
Principal Investigator: DFG Collaborative Research Center SFB 1053 MAKI
MAKI – Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet
2017-2020 (Entry in GPRIS project database)
The project provides funding for 1 PhD position
Principal Investigator:COMTEX: Context in Anonymous Short Texts
2018 - 2019
Joint project with linguistics and sociology on social network analysis.
Funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments
Principal Investigator: Internet Observatory
2018 - 2019
Funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments
Principal Investigator and member of the general assembly: SSICLOPS
Scalable and Secure Infrastructures for Cloud Operations
(funded by the EU under Horizon 2020, 2015-2018)
The project provides funding for 2 PhD positions

Professional Services

Conference Organization

Habilitation/HDR Committees

PhD Committees

2023-10-12Flexible QUIC loss recovery mechanisms for latency-sensitive applications
François Michel
UCLouvain, Belgium
2023-10-06Towards Data-Driven Algorithm Design in Networking
Patrick Krämer
TU Munich, Germany
2022-04-25Modeling and Design of Novel QoE Management Strategies for Adaptive Video Streaming
Susanna Schwarzmann
TU Berlin, Germany
2022-03-01From the Edge to the Core: Towards Informed Vantage Point Selection for Internet Measurement Studies
Franziska Lichtblau
Max Planck Institut for Informatics / Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
2022-01-11An AI and data-driven approach to unwanted network traffic inspection
Francesca Soro
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
2021-09-24Making DNSSEC Future Proof
Moritz Müller
University of Twente, Netherlands
2021-07-12Analysis of Influencing Factors in Speech Quality Assessment using Crowdsourcing
Rafael Zequeira Jiménez
TU Berlin, Germany
2021-07-02Web Quality of Experience Measurement: Metrics, Methods and Tools
Alemnew Asrese
Aalto University, Finland
2020-12-15Debugging Modern Web Protocols video
Robin Marx
Hasselt University, Belgium
2019-12-18Improving Anycast with Measurements
Wouter de Vries
University of Twente, Netherlands
2019-06-13Dissecting HTTP/2 and QUIC: Measurement
Jawad Manzoor
UC Louvain, Belgium
2019-01-18Revisiting the Interplay of Inter-Domain Traffic and Routing Policies
Thomas Krenc
TU Berlin, Germany

Technical Program Committee Member

  3. 2024: CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
  4. 2024: PAM Passive and Active Measurement Conference
  5. 2023: CoNEXT Student Workshop PhD student workshop
  7. 2023: IMC ACM Internet Measurement Conference
  8. 2022: IMC ACM Internet Measurement Conference
  11. 2022: TMA Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference
  12. 2021: CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
  13. 2021: CoNEXT Student Workshop PhD student workshop
  14. 2021: TMA Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference
  15. 2021: ANRW ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop
  16. 2021: EPIQ Workshop on Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ)
  17. 2021: QoMEX IEEE International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience
  18. 2021: GI IEEE Global Internet Symposium
  19. 2021: MALENE Machine Learning in Networking
  20. 2021: NFV-SDN IEEE NFV-SDN
  21. 2021: NoF IEEE International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF)
  22. 2021: NoF IEEE International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF)
  23. 2021: Networking IFIP Networking
  24. 2021: NetSoft IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
  25. 2020: ITSec ITG Workshop on IT Security (ITSec)
  26. 2020: CoNEXT Student Workshop PhD student workshop
  27. 2020: SIGCOMM Posters/Demos ACM SIGCOMM Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition
  28. 2020: EPIQ Workshop on Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ)
  29. 2020: TMA Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference
  30. 2020: PAM Passive and Active Measurement Conference
  31. 2020: NetSoft IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
  32. 2020: NFV-SDN IEEE NFV-SDN
  33. 2020: QoMEX IEEE International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience
  34. 2020: NOMS IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
  35. 2020: NoF IEEE International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF)
  36. 2020: CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
  37. 2019: IMC ACM Internet Measurement Conference
  38. 2019: CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
  39. 2019: PAM Passive and Active Measurement Conference
  40. 2019: ICCCN IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
  41. 2019: NetSoft IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
  42. 2019: EPIQ Workshop on Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ)
  43. 2019: QoMEX IEEE International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience
  44. 2019: Internet-QoE Internet QoE Workshop
  45. 2019: QoE-Management International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management
  46. 2019: NetSys International Conference on Networked Systems
  47. 2019: NFV-SDN IEEE NFV-SDN
  48. 2019: SIGCOMM Posters/Demos ACM SIGCOMM Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition
  49. 2018: CoNEXT ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
  50. 2018: EPIQ Workshop on Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ)
  51. 2018: CoNEXT Student Workshop PhD student workshop
  52. 2018: PAM Passive and Active Measurement Conference
  53. 2018: NetSoft IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
  54. 2018: NFV-SDN IEEE NFV-SDN
  55. 2018: GI IEEE Global Internet Symposium
  56. 2018: CloudCom IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
  57. 2018: QoMEX IEEE International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience
  58. 2018: QoE-Management International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management
  59. 2018: Internet-QoE Internet QoE Workshop
  60. 2018: MobiArch Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture
  61. 2018: SecSoN ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Security in Softwarized Networks
  62. 2018: MIPR IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval
  63. 2017: NetSoft IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
  64. 2017: ITC International Teletraffic Congress
  65. 2017: Internet-QoE Internet QoE Workshop
  66. 2017: QoMEX IEEE International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience
  67. 2017: NFV-SDN IEEE NFV-SDN
  68. 2017: CNSM NFV-SDN
  69. 2017: CloudCom IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
  70. 2017: DCC Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing
  71. 2017: CAN Cloud-Assisted Networking Workshop
  72. 2017: NetSys International Conference on Networked Systems
  73. 2016: NetSoft IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization
  74. 2016: CloudCom IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
  75. 2016: CAN Cloud-Assisted Networking Workshop
  76. 2016: NFV-SDN IEEE NFV-SDN
  77. 2016: ITC International Teletraffic Congress
  78. 2016: Man SDN/NFV International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems
  79. 2016: PQS International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems
  80. 2016: ICCE IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
  81. 2016: MONAMI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management
  82. 2015: SCRUM Strategies for Consistency, Replication, and Understandability in Middleware
  83. 2015: Man SDN/NFV International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems
  84. 2015: MONAMI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management
  85. 2015: DCC Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing
  86. 2015: QCMan IFIP/IEEE Workshop on QoE Centric Management
  87. 2015: CloudCom IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
  88. 2014: MONAMI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management
  89. 2013: WNM Workshop on Internet Measurement
  90. 2013: STEM
  91. 2010: ATNAC The Australasian Telecommunication Network Application Conference
  92. 2010: IWQoS IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service
  1. ANRW: 2021
  2. ATNAC: 2010
  3. CAN: 2016 2017
  4. CNSM NFV-SDN: 2017
  5. CloudCom: 2015 2016 2017 2018
  6. CoNEXT: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2024
  7. CoNEXT Student Workshop: 2018 2020 2021 2023
  8. DCC: 2015 2017
  9. EPIQ: 2018 2019 2020 2021
  10. GI: 2018 2021
  11. ICCCN: 2019
  12. ICCE: 2016
  13. IMC: 2019 2022 2023
  14. ITC: 2016 2017
  15. ITSec: 2020
  16. IWQoS: 2010
  17. Internet-QoE: 2017 2018 2019
  18. MALENE: 2021
  19. MIPR: 2018
  20. MONAMI: 2014 2015 2016
  21. Man SDN/NFV: 2015 2016
  22. MobiArch: 2018
  23. NFV-SDN: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
  24. NOMS: 2020
  25. NSDI: 2024
  26. NetSoft: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
  27. NetSys: 2017 2019
  28. Networking: 2021
  29. NoF: 2020 2021 2021
  30. PAM: 2018 2019 2020 2024
  31. PQS: 2016
  32. QCMan: 2015
  33. QoE-Management: 2018 2019
  34. QoMEX: 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
  35. SCRUM: 2015
  36. SIGCOMM: 2022
  37. SIGCOMM Posters/Demos: 2019 2020
  38. SIGMETRICS: 2022 2023 2024
  39. SecSoN: 2018
  40. TMA: 2020 2021 2022
  41. WNM: 2013

Journal Reviews

  1. 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 IEEE COMMAG (IEEE Communications Magazine)
  2. 2012, 2016, 2017 IEEE TNSM (IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management)
  3. 2014, 2015, 2016 Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (journal)
  4. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2020 TON (IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking)
  5. 2014, 2015 ACM SIGCOMM CCR (ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review)
  6. 2016, 2017 ACM TOIT (ACM Transactions on Internet Technology)
  7. 2017 ACM TOMM (ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications)
  8. 2017 Springer MTAP (Spinger Multimedia Tools and Applications)
  9. 2017 Elsevier PMC (Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing)
  10. 2015 IEEE TVT (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology)
  11. 2014 IEEE COMPUTER ()
  12. 2020 COMNET (Elsevier Computer Networks)
  13. 2013 COMCOM (Elsevier Computer Communications)
  14. 2011 IEEE J-SAC (IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)
  15. 2010 AEÜ (International Journal of Electronics and Communications)
  16. 2010 IEEE ToB (IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting)
  17. 2010 AoT (Annals of Telecommunications)
  18. 2009 IEE TMM (IEEE Transactions on Multimedia)

Recent Invited Talks

2021-12-15DDoS Attacks and Booter Services video – The monthly Cybersecurity Speaker Series
2021-11-26What’s in the DDoS jar?
Turing Institute - NGN Webinar
2021-09-21DDoS Attacks and Mitigation
University of Twente
2020-12-16Internet User Behaviour During COVID-19 video
IEEE ICOSST Invited Talk
2020-11-09The Lockdown Effect: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Internet Traffic video
Internet Architecture Board COVID-19 Network Impacts Workshop
2020-10-21Online Labor - Wir bauen gemeinsam ein Miniatur-Internet video
BTU Tag der Lehre 2020 - Gute Lehre im Online-Semester
2019-09-16DDoS Hide & Seek: On the Effectiveness of a Booter Services Takedown slides
Munich Internet Research Retreat
2019-07-08Is the Web ready for HTTP/2 Server Push?
Research colloqium talk, University of Goettingen, Germany
2019-06-13Is the Web ready for HTTP/2 Server Push?
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
2019-03-20Is the Web ready for HTTP/2 Server Push? video
Netsys 2019, Outstanding Paper session
2018-11-06Designing data-driven systems: measurement, analysis
Guest lecture, CSCI-2952-E, Brown University, USA
2017-11-30Understanding the Usage of New Internet Protocols in the Wild slides
Munich Internet Research Retreat Raitenhaslach
2017-08-21Quality of Experience Demystified Keynote Talk
Keynote talk ACM SIGCOMM Internet-QoE
2017-08-17How HTTP/2 pushes the web: An empirical study on utilization and QoE perspective on Server Push
International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, USA
2016-02-29Kernel Accelerated Packet Processing
Invited talk, 1st ITN CleanSky Conference Heidelberg
2015-09-24Measuring and Optimizing the Cloud
Invited talk, ITG 5.2.1 Cloud Workshop, University of Tuebingen
2015-09-16Invited workshop: Scientific Writing
ITN CleanSky Summer School 2015, University of Goettingen
2015-08-20An Internet Census Taken by an Illegal Botnet
Invited talk, Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research at University College London
2015-04-15Software Defined Networking & Network Functions Virtualization
invited talk 12. Sitzung des ITG-Fachausschusses 3.3 Übertragungstechnologien für elektronische Medien
2015-04-14On the origins of spam
Invited seminar talk, Project Leonardo RWTH Aachen
2014-11-14On the origins of spam
RWTH Science Night



2018Internet Architecture and Performance
2017Internet Architecture and Performance
RWTH Aachen University: As Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragter):RWTH Aachen University:TU Berlin: As Teaching AssistentUniversity of Applied Sciences Darmstadt: As Teaching Assistent
Oliver Hohlfeld Photo

Oliver Hohlfeld
University of Kassel
Distributed Systems Group
Wilhelmshöher Allee 73
34121 Kassel, Germany Map
Email: oliver dot hohlfeld at uni-kassel /DOT/ de
My group
Chair of Computer Networks
@ohohlfeld Twitter
Google Scholar

Netray Internet Observatory

QUIC Adoption
HTTP2 Adoption
TCP Initial Window Configurations
Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA)

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